5 Ideal Features of Underground Water Tanks


Underground water tanks need to have special features that will enhance their ability to withstand the conditions to which they will be exposed. This article discusses some of the features that you should pay attention to when buying an underground water storage tank. Wall Thickness The walls of underground water tanks tend to be thicker than the walls of above ground tanks. This is because the underground water tanks have to contend with the higher pressures exerted by the soil surrounding the tank.

5 March 2018

Applications of Welding in Various Industries


Welding is an important process that is used across multiple industries. The ability of welding to join separate materials through a common weld pool makes its applications useful in different contexts. The particular welding process used will be determined by the heat fusion, protection of the weld itself and characteristic of the weld pool. Here are several industries that rely on welding to facilitate their daily processes. Oil and gas industry

24 January 2018